Create an Account

Please create an account so that we can improve the training program by evaluating usage statistics and content retention.

1a. Full Name:

1b. Email:

2a. Password:

2b. Confirm Password:

3. Country:

4. State (only for US):

5. Role:
Parent / Guardian
Professional (teacher, administrator, counselor, etc)

6. Age:

I Prefer Not To Answer

7. Gender:
I Prefer Not To Answer

8. Race/ethnicity:
Asian or Asian American
African American
Alaskan Native or Native American
European American/White (non-Hispanic)
Hawaiian Native or other Pacific Islander
I Prefer Not To Answer

8. What previous suicide prevention training have you had? Please fill out completely.
9a. Lectures 9b. Workshops 9c. Courses
No previous lectures
1-2 lectures
>2 lectures
No previous workshops
1-2 lectures
>2 lectures
No previous courses
1-2 lectures
>2 lectures

10. Why are you taking this online training program?

11. Which of the following most closely match your reasons for taking this training?
I am required to take this program.
Someone suggested I take this program.
An online course is more convenient than in-person training.
I am interested in learning how to respond to a person considering suicide.

12. An online course is more convenient than in-person training.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

A certificate of completion will be available for download after completing the post test. Keep in mind, you must complete the entire pretest, training, and posttest in one sitting in order to successfully print the certificate of completion.

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